10 Ways to keep Hackers off your Facebook Account

Beware of Hackers

1) Activate Login Approval

Login approval is an extended security feature provided by Facebook, and any time you attempt to access your Facebook account from unrecognized devices, you will be forced to enter a security code. Go to Account Access to enable Login Approvals.

  • Go to Settings then to Security, find Login Approvals, and press the Edit Button.
  • You will find a tick box on the screen to enable Login Approvals, tick the box.
  • Clicking the tick box will open a window with further information on login approvals press the ‘Set up now’ option to move ahead.
  • In case you are registered with your phone number, an SMS will be sent to your phone automatically by Facebook. Put the code in the on-screen box and submit.
  • Now finally you are done with the Login Approvals procedure.

2) Avoid login savings on public devices

Cybercafes are a threat to the security of your credentials, as many people do not care while logging into Facebook, they simply click ‘yes’ when the system asks to save a password.

You also might be a victim of such a threat. Kindly never save your passwords on unknown devices, over which you do not control over.

For safety, while browsing private windows is recommend, in chrome open ‘new incognito window’ or just go private on safari.

Once someone gets hands-on with your credentials, they are not much away from your personal matters.

 3) On other devices always log out

Always Logout before leaving

You cannot save yourself from hackers, even if you have not given access to saving the password. Once they have access to the computer you logged in. These people always find a way to get into your Facebook account.

Facebook remembers the session for a while, even if you have closed the window, it is possible to get the password to your account if someone opens Facebook right away on the same device. You would not like if someone who intends to kill or stalk you, gets credentials to your account, would you?

Ensure to sign out before leaving and also make sure to check authenticating tabs that do not have your passwords or email address saved.

4) Two-way Verification- Secure your Identity

The two-way verification process is a sure and sound identity securing feature, whenever a third person tries to get into your account using your password, this feature will not allow them directly to log in, but instead, it will send a unique text message to your phone to prevent unauthorized login.

Whenever you will attempt to log in, you will receive a unique code, which will allow you to access Facebook only during that session. You will need to receive another authentication message after the session has ended to login into your account once again.

This process seems a bit longer as compared to the one-time-click password, but it’s better to be alive than to be sorry.

5) Clean out your browser

Cleaning up your browser every once in a while is always advisable.

In porn and torrent sites, the bulk of phishing and virus operations are found. Always clear your data if you are a regular visitor (not judging) until anyone gains access to your authentication information. Only download an adware removal tool to take care of that for you, if that sounds like a lot of hustle. You won’t notice the ones and zeros for which he/she is phishing the next person trying to hack you.

6) Secure yourself from spyware and malware

Not only are the hacking issues web-based. Avoid installing any software whose security is not authorized. What happens is sometimes unknowingly some malicious software gets installed uninterrupted without finding your attention, hackers try to attack your computer using those. Always keep your system clean and scanned for viruses and software like these.

Some of these programs can also spam some pop-up advertisements on your computer or browser. By using malware, adware, and spyware removers, you can prevent this.

Do not worry if your Facebook account has already been compromised. There are several ways to restore a compromised Facebook account.

7) Avoid Opening Scam Links

Facebook’s promises good security to your data, unlike other social apps. It always makes sure you are safe from spam targets. There are many phishers, who money scam people either through direct messages to your account or will try to indirectly approach you using external links of fake websites. Using those websites they might extract your personal data and damage your system device. Another possible way of doing so is by sending emails using Facebook’s name, this is all a scam, do not fall for it as it is generated by a phishing website.

You can be safe from such scams and malware in many ways:

  • Whenever or wherever you find it never click on questionable links, even if it’s from your closed ones. Do not hesitate to ask your friends about the confirmation of email or text which you have received recently. Without the awareness of the sender, these links are normally ‘received’. This may include links received on personal messages, tweets, and status posts of your closed ones.
  • Avoid giving anyone even websites with questionable links and layouts, your username or password. Such behavior may put the security of your personal Facebook information at stake.
  • Avoid logging on to Facebook from any third website or application. Always use the authenticated website of Facebook or the Facebook application.
  • To ensure that the security of your browser is up-to-date, upgrade your browser to the latest version so that when you navigate to a suspected phishing site, it can identify and alarm you with a message.

8) Generate a strong password

Always keep your passwords strong

It should be hard to guess your Facebook password, but easy for you to recall. Avoid using your password your name, birthdate, pets, or common words.

The longer the password, the harder it will be to crack for anyone. One way to construct a good password is to think of a long-phrase that you can remember or a string of words, but that nobody will ever guess.

Often include, in your passwords, numbers, a combination of upper- and lower-case letters, and symbols. For at least 10 characters, target.

Try to make an acronym out of the lyrics of a memorable sentence or poem. For instance, iGTMhtthotR9 might be “I’m going to take my horse to the old town road”! Who would have known this?

9) Remote control

To help stay on top of who is accessing your account, and when, Facebook has a few choices. You can see all the devices your account is signed in to and where they are under Settings > Security and Login. Do you see something that you don’t remember or a computer that you have lost track of? The right-hand icon gives you the option to remotely log out or report it as an impostor.

Scroll down to get warnings about unrecognized logins from there and toggle it on. That way, via Messenger, email, or Facebook, you’ll get a notice that someone from an unrecognized browser has logged into your account. There is no equivalent feature on Twitter, all the more justification to make sure you have two factors on it.

10) Block doubtful people on Facebook

It’s best to only block them if anyone is bullying you, sending you several repetitive requests from friends, or attempting to hack you. When they try to view your account, people won’t be alerted when they are blocked by you. Blocking people means they are excluded from your list of friends, trusted contacts, and protects you from being abused by them. Click or tap the three dots at the top of their profile to block others, click Block, and follow the on-screen instructions.




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